Friday 21 November 2014

so i'm a nerd...

ok, so some people may laugh at me for liking science and planets and dark matter and all that... but it's just plain cool.  i'm already halfway through my first donated magazine and can't wait for the second, even if some of the good articles have been ripped out by teenage girls who only bought them because they had a project for school. this is my reading material for the next couple of days and when i start spouting off facts like the passage of the magellanic clouds through our galaxy creates a wake through the dark matter which in turn causes a gravitational disturbance that explains the warp observed by martin weinberg in 1998, you'll know why.

DAY 7, yes i'm a week in, and this isn't a sweater per se, but close enough because it kept me warm in the freezing calgary weather.  turquoise cowl neck sweater *wink*... anthro, bootcut jeans... addition elle which ps were way too long the last time i wore them but i was so excited to have a new pair of jeans that i wore them anyway.  and stepped on them all day.  now they're stitched up nice and neat!

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