I discovered this totally quirky, cool, and stylish brand while following some of my favorite girls from Emma Approved, @joannasotomura and @dayeannehutton (if you haven't seen it yet... seriously, get on the bandwagon. It's my new one true love). Anyways, I can say that I was more obsessed with figuring out the optical illusion of their photos rather than actually grabbing myself a bag, but when I finally visited their site, I was drawn in immediately.
Handbags, clutches, backpacks and more, there is seriously something for everyone at JumpFromPaper. As quoted on their site, I Give Myself Permission To Be Me, so I thought *what the heck*, my order went in, and my package arrived, like, five days later? Taiwan to Canada in five days flat, no extra shipping, and a totally unique, curious, and hilarious reveal when I finally got the box open? Excellent. I can honestly say, this brand is like no other I have ever seen, and I couldn't wait to put my bag into action!
What better opportunity than church on Sunday? I teach a whole bunch of 4 and 5 year olds, and WOW were they intrigued! Not only them, but the single guy who sat next to me on the pew? I choose to believe my new bag drew him in as well *wink*. I'm not going to turn down attention, so I swung that bag around to show it off from every angle... especially head on, where things get sooooo trippy. While this design doesn't lend itself to carrying a freaking purse full of stuff - and let's face it, sometimes I have a freaking purse full of stuff to carry on Sundays... I was able to manage my scriptures, attendance sheets, crayons, keys, phone, stamp pad, stamps, AND lip gloss...pretty dang good I'd say!!
And man, was I on point or what? Not only did my bag intrigue those little ones, but my blouse... GEEZ, you'd think they'd never seen kittens on a blouse before. I swear, they've never paid such close attention as they did on Sunday, between the bag and the blouse, I had them hooked!
All in all I'd call that a winner winner chicken dinner kind of day. And it was the long weekend. And it hasn't snowed in a while. And I figured out how to make my own cardboard cutout of Cinderella, so really, I'm counting myself pretty lucky right now!
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